Thursday, December 24, 2009

What is the best programming language?

what is the best programming language to learn ?

what you think about delphi ?What is the best programming language?


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On the one hand, I like Delphi. A lot. On the other hand the answer to your question is the same as the answer to the question about best OS: What do you want to do? The example there would be a question I just answered about Linux, with two other regular Linux questioner answers. The question is not important. The first said, give up. You won't like Linux. Mine began, I second this guy. The third expressed shock that we of all people would say that. We read the question, you see. And we accept that people don't all have the same priorities.

Delphi is an object-oriented derivative of Pascal which used tokens or words close enough to English to create codes which could be compiled efficiently, and were easy to understand. If it wasn't well written, it wouldn't run. There are other derivatives -- Oberon or the Modula family -- which are, like Pascal, used in education, but Delphi is a commercial derivative which is great for real world applications.

C also creates efficient code. Awesomely efficient code. It's widely used in embedded systems and while there is a little C++ in the Linux kernel there is VERY little C++ code there. It was created by engineers and the syntax itself is compact and full of acronyms. This is something C++ has inherited while with objects and namespaces it has come into its own as a language which works in most modern computing environments.

Java is a cross-platform language which is good at creating user interfaces. The Dot Net family of languages are philosophically the opposite. While they are created to run on and to run a consumer-oriented OS they are exactly for that OS. There are some things which in Java take a little work, they can do much more easily -- but only on machines which run that OS.

I could go on. http is itself a language. It has about four to six tokens or commands. And I attended a lecture recently which showed off some really awesome things.

The best programming language to learn is the one which will be most helpful to you.
java or .net

although i prefer coldfusion

This is one of the most f.a.q by many of my juniors and as a beginner this is one of the most common question. So I have collected a list of articles and sites that clarifies this. Check out this below link for the same..鈥?/a>

Also, if you want to learn more, go to home page of the blog and check the programming section -- I have collected lots of good links about all the popular programming languages -- Hope this helps.
Ask that question 10 times you'll get ten different answers. It depends what you want to do, where you intend to work.

for web sites (a good start): php is most mainstream, ruby offers lots of flexibility... javascript may be an option for client side scripting,.. on windows, is an option, flash can be powerful too

for games, applications: C++ is mainstream but Java is mainstream for phone applications

in artificial intelligence: lisp/ prolog

Delphi is nice, but it does not have as much ground as ten years ago... and the gui designers have caught up in such a way

Basically langages are like tools in a toolbox which help you tackle different problems... each one has its strengths... you dont want to use a screw driver to hit on a nail... although some may be heavy enough to do the job... the same way you probably dont want to use a hammer to drive in a screw

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