Friday, January 8, 2010

Can anyone provide to me a beginners guide to C++ programming?

Keep in mind, when I say beginners, I mean very inexperienced and I do not even know where to start to learn thisCan anyone provide to me a beginners guide to C++ programming?鈥?/a>

cplusplus.comCan anyone provide to me a beginners guide to C++ programming?
You will need a compiler. A compiler is what builds your program. So get this one, it's free.

Download it and get ready to program.

Next, you SHOULD buy a book. Something like C++ for dummies or Learn C++ in 24 hours. That way you can program while you look at the book. You can always google tutorials, but then you'll be swapping windows each time and that could be a pain.

C++ is sort of an extension to C. C is the root of all programming so I would more recommend C for a beginner. C++ will go into more things such as classes and object oriented programming. The compiler that you download will compile both C and C++ written programs.

Start by making small programs and then work on more complex ones. Key things to remember:

1. Don't be afraid of pointers when you get to them.

2. Think like a programmer. you find that out when it comes time to debug your programs.

3. Be patient, you won't learn overnight. I learned Pascal 3.0 in high school and then C two years later and then C++ 2 years later and I been programming mainly in C for the past 10 years.

4. You'll learn ways to improve your code and when you do, you know you're progressing.
purchase a book..

object oriented programming in c++ by bala guru swamy..

its da best.. even the facs @niit asked me 2 refer to this book for additional info..

it like it speak2u..

check it out..
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