Friday, January 8, 2010

Should I Learn A Programming Language Early?

Im 14 and I wanna know if its best to start a language early, and where I could learn easily. Possibly HTML, Java or Visual BASIC.NET.Should I Learn A Programming Language Early?
I knew BASIC and I was starting on Assembly language before I could drive. So really, you aren't all that early. Some schools started around age 10-12 with BASIC, and some with Logo. You are never to young to learn.

HTML is a markup language. It isn't really programming. It is closer to LayTex or perhaps the hidden markup language you would find behind Word, Word Perfect, or one of many other word processing programs. means dealing with the Windows GUI and really, that isn't programming. You are mostly creating an interface with most of the work done for you. You'll spend the majority of your time creating the interface with little programming to actually do things.

These days, I'd suggest you learn C, BASIC, or some other kind of procedural language that only runs in a DOS or Command window. Then, if you wish, expand into object oriented languages and windowing interfaces such as Windows (Microsoft) or Xwindows (Linux). You really need to learn the basics of programming. If you were to start in school, they would probably start you with a programming course using pseudo-code. Pseudo-code is generally similar to BASIC but it is not nearly as structured and you never really execute the programs.

For a C tutorial:

For BASIC, you can still find Qbasic and Quick Basic Not sure about any tutorials.

Then write lots of little programs that do things. It is really the only way you'll learn programming.

Shadow WolfShould I Learn A Programming Language Early?
It's best to learn programming early. Which language you learn is not terribly important; someone with programming skills can pick up a new language pretty quickly.

HTML is not a programming language.

Java would be a good choice for a first language. So would Python or Ruby. I wouldn't recommend Visual Basic.
There is an experienced programmer who is posting lessons, starting with the most basic concepts. He is teaching C to start with, and says he will expand to other languages. He is an excellent instructor, and he and his moderators monitor all the lessons for questions. So you can ask a question in any lesson and they will answer it. I highly recommend you check them out.His name is Carl H and the lessons are on The subreddit is carlhprogramming. Here is a link to the lesson list.鈥?/a>
Im 14 and I already know about 5 or 6 programming languages I would suggest starting off learning VB.NET鈥?/a> visual basic is easy, fast and very good for a first language it lets you make programs for your PC
Java. Buy Java for Dummies from a bookstore.

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